
Renewal and Leadership Schtuff...

So, I started reading Gerald Weinberg's Becoming a Technical Leader last night. Well, ok, I skipped through the leadership theory mamby-pamby with full intention of returning to it later--after tater tots and a night cleaning out the mall to be more precise. In section 7, Tools for Developing Self Awareness, Weinberg starts off with the challenge that spawned what you are reading right now: "Starting now, and continuing for three months, spend five minutes each day writing in a personal journal."

Blahhh...! That's not so bad; I keep a blog. But, wait, I sure as crap don't write in it everyday, so I can pretty much guarantee that this will be an intriguing endeavor...and maybe more importantly, an exercise in discipline. Furthermore, I just traipsed into the realm of going along with Weinberg's secondary request: "Pause now, get a piece of paper, and write down your initial reaction. This reaction is an important part of the test. Not only that, but what you wrote on that paper is your first journal entry." That doesn't necessarily apply here, but...SCORE!

I'm elated. Actually, okay, I cheated. I knew this portion was coming, so I fast-forwarded to it. Take me to People's Court for cryin' out loud!


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